Shipping Container Roof Kits (Builder)

If you are looking for a shipping container roof kits our high quality pre-engineered tongue in groove pre-built truss structure makes assembling our DIY roof kit quick and easy. We also offer a fully built on site option so you can relax and enjoy your new build without the hassle. Simply fill out the form below to get a free estimate.

Would you like us to install your Shipping Container roof kit for you or would you like to install it yourself?
(Select a date you'd like your Shipping Container Barn completed by.)

Container Setup:

Please tell us about your current container setup and needs.
If you have an 8ft you will end up with an 13 ft interior height. If you have a 9ft you will end up with an 14 ft interior height.
How wide do you want the center section of your roof to be?
If you need more than (4) Additional Containers please select other and explain in the comment/questions field.

Shipping Container Roof Style:

Please select the style of Shipping Container structure you'd like your roof kit to support.
*We do not include or sell Garage/Barn Doors.
Please select the color you'd like your Shipping Container Roof to be.
Please select the color of trim you'd like your roof kit to have.

Delivery & Location Information:

( Address where the Shipping Container Barn will be delivered to be built. )
Please explain where on property the Shipping Container Barn will be located (i.e. front of property from street, middle of property in driveway, etc) and any potential issues like tight turns, narrow openings, steep roads, poor conditioned roads etc.
Please leave us any notes or questions you have about your Shipping Container Barn build.
